Saturday, October 31, 2009

Building Men for Others (Part 2)

I graduated from Patrick Henry in 1980. I was a football player and started as a junior and senior during my time at Henry. I was voted as one of the team captains my senior year. I knew a lot of people and we had a large senior class (around 1,400 students in our class alone). Even though I was a 'jock', I made an effort to be kind and outgoing to most all the students I would come in contact with. I eventually was voted "Most Outgoing" by my classmates.

Ten years later, I went to a class reunion and female classmate of mine came up to me. I didn't recognize her and to be honest, I don't remember her name to this day. But she said something to me that I remember today.

She thanked me for being nice to her. Apparently, she was shy and a 'late bloomer' in life. Not too many people came spoke to her outside of her small circle of friends. But for the captain of the football team to come up and say hi and engage in small talk meant the world to her at the time.

We all meet people on a daily basis. You never know when you touch somebody in a manner that changes their life or their perception of you. All of us can make a difference in the life of another person.

A movie titled "The Blind Slide" is based on a book written by Michael Lewis by the same name. It is based on the true story about Michael Oher, the left offensive tackle first round draft choice of the Baltimore Ravens. I will let the following videos speak for themselves.

The movie to due to open in November. Here is a look at the trailer for "The Blind Side".

I will be giving our players an assignment this week. Go out and talk to somebody at school that sits in the back of class by themselves. Just go up and say 'hi'. It could make and difference in that person's day and it will make our players feel a sense of accomplishment in making a difference in somebody's day.

This is the reason I coach football. It's not the X's and O's. It's making a difference in somebody's life that counts.

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