Thursday, March 4, 2010

Darren Shanks (Part 8)

Darren finally made it home on Wednesday 3/3/10 after a week and a half of Chemotherapy. Our Warrior is tired and weak. But he hasn't given up the will to continue and fight this cancer and the treatment he has to endure.

As most of you know, our 'Haircut form Darren' has been moved to Saturday 3/6/10 in the football at 11:00 am. I will be on campus setting everything up at 10:30. (I will bring donuts too) In the event there is rain on Saturday, we will move the haircut into the coaches office.

So far I have collected 5 permission slips from players. If a players wishes to participate, I need a permission slip from parents to allow me to cut the player's hair. Also, I need participants to be at the team room at 1030 so I can hand out their game jerseys for them to wear for the haircut.

I made a deal with the players. I promised them I would allow them to cut my hair in exchange for me cutting their hair. I am a man of my word and I will allow those who are participating to cut my hair!

The last time I cut my hair that short, I was 4 years old. I am interested in seeing what kind of cracks and dents I have accumulated on my head since that time.

The bottom line is doing this it to let Darren know he is not alone. It is a show of solidarity and unity for a cause. That cause is Darren's fight against cancer. He is our brother and we want to support him in every way we possibly can.

Also, we want to bring attention to Rady Children's Hospital and their Cancer Treatment Center. There are many more children in the same unit as Darren and they are all younger than him. All of them are fighting the same battle against cancer and against the Chemotherapy that Darren is currently fighting.

Possible good news is that if Darren is feeling up to it, he might be able to join us at PHHS and witness his friends and loved ones cut their hair in honor of him and his battle against cancer.

If you need a permission slip, email me at and I will email one to you.

Please continue to keep Darren, his mother Vivian, his father Tom, his brother Bryan and the rest of his family in your thoughts and prayers.

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