Friday, August 26, 2011

Communcation with the Booster Club

There have been many questions by our parents in regards to information on what is happening with the PHHS Football Boosters. The Boosters put all their information on their web site and it is constantly updated with new information.  I have attached the link to their web page below:

There will be a Booster Club meeting on Wednesday at 6:00 pm in the coaches office.  If you are interested in making a difference and helping out the Boosters, please show up and introduce yourselves.  We could use your help and it would make a huge difference for everyone in the program.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

ASB Stickers and 6th Period PE

As your sons are starting to register for school at PHHS, there are several items you parents need to know.

First, I did not get the roster to who paid for Spirit Packs to the finance office.  My apologies and I will take full responsibility for that foul up.  Though the Boosters collected Spirit Pack money, I should have taken a list of who paid for the Spirit Pack and submitted that list to the Finance Office before your sons enrolled at PHHS.  I am the Head Coach and I am ultimately responsible for what goes on with my team. 

I will see to it that you all will be reimbursed for having to pay for your sons ASB Sticker via the Booster Club.

Second, I have sent a roster of our players to our Athletic Director Jack Lococo and VP of Athletics Jim Good.  Many parents have called, e-mailed and spoke to me in person that their son is not in 6th Period PE.  The Administration is working to correct that.  But in the meantime, if you want to call the school to ensure that your son gets into 6th Period PE, you can call the school and see if you can make that change.

The major concern for having your son in 6th Period PE is not so much about missing practice time, but it is about making travel arrangements for your son for all our games, which happen to be all away games.  If your son does not have 6th Period PE, I have to ask permission from their 6th Period teachers to let your sons out of class early.  If your son is struggling in that 6th Period class, there are some teachers that will not release your son and require your student to stay in class and do their work.

In the meantime, that student misses the bus ride to the game and you as a parent have to pick them up and transport them to the game.  It would be a big mess not being in 6th Period PE.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Patriots Travel to Mission Bay HS on Friday

First, I want to thank all the family and friends that showed up to the Green and Gold scrimmage last Saturday.  It was a nice turnout and the players did well for their first time out.  The picnic afterwards was very nice and I got a chance to talk and meet most of you parents.  Thank you all for contributing to the picnic and especially to Mrs. Moya for helping to organize the picnic.  It was such a success, I will be doing it every year from now on.

This week we will scrimmage against the Mission Bay Buccaneers at Mission Bay HS.  The scrimmage starts at 1200 noon this Friday 8/26/11 and we should be done around 1:30 at the latest.  We will have a bus to take the players. 

I will be at the school at 9:30 to help with any equipment issues.  Roll call will be at 10:00 and I will meet with the players before we leave Henry.  The bus leaves PHHS at 10:30.  Once the door shuts as we leave, we are gone. 

We should arrive at MBHS around 1115.  We warm up and we get to work at 1200 noon.

After the scrimmage, if you parents want to take your son home with you, I need to see you in person and I will check your son's name off the roster for the ride home on the bus.  I will not be staying for the JV and Varsity because I have to ride the bus home with my players.

I am looking for a volunteer to video tape the scrimmage for us on Friday.  If you can tape the game for us, please give me a call on my cell at (619) 980-4159.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Scrimmage, Spirit Pack and Fellowship

We will have our annual Green and Gold game on Saturday 8/20/11 at 9:00 am.  Parents and friends are invited to attend and watch the Freshmen team in our first full length scrimmage.  Players need to be in the locker room at 8:00 am to go over equipment adjustments and final instructions.  We stretch out and warm up at 8:30 and we start playing at 9:00 and should be done around 10:30.

Parents and friends, if you are coming, be sure to bring beach chairs so you can sit on the sideline to watch the game.  The players will be on the sideline closest to Navajo Rd. and the parents and family can sit on the sideline closest to the school.

During the scrimmage, the Patrick Henry Football Boosters will be accepting donations for the players Spirit Pack.  The Freshman Spirit Pack will include: 1 practice jersey the players get to keep, 2 pairs of game socks, 1 PHHS Football t-shirt, 1 pair of PHHS Football shorts, 1 padded girdle the players get to keep, an 8X10 team photo and the admission of the player for dinner at the team banquet at the end of the year.

The cost of the Spirit Pack is based on a donation on the part of the player and his parents.  We cannot make this mandatory.  Therefore, we ask the fees for these items to be made on a voluntary basis.  I spoke to a friend of mine that has a freshman football player in Poway HS and they charged $270 per player just for the summer camp.  That price did not include the Spirit Pack. 

My goal was to keep the Spirit Pack costs as low as possible and still provide our student athletes the proper gear needed.

After the scrimmage, we will practice our 'Victory Jumping Jacks' and sing the Alma Mater.  I bought Gatorade for all the players and I am asking parents if they could donate fruit such as watermelon, grapes or oranges.  If there are parents willing to volunteer and cut up a bag of watermelon or oranges or provide a bag of grapes, it would be much appreciated.

I will stick around after the scrimmage and we will make a tailgate party of sorts where we get to mingle and enjoy each other's company.  Our coaches and I are looking forward to meeting you all.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

What Equipment Should I Buy For My Son

Every year, I take time to explain to my players what EXTRAS they can buy to play football.  As a football staff, we have fully equipped each and every player at Patrick Henry.  But players looking at the pros on TV see some of the extras the pros wear and they want to emulate those pros by wearing what they wear.

Buying the extra gear can get costly and in some cases I won't allow players to wear certain pads as it could cause a player to use that piece of gear in a manner that is against what we are teaching to our football players.

This year I have been getting e-mails from parents asking the same questions.  So I will break it down piece by piece.  Please keep in mind, none the gear I am about to list is mandatory to play football.  This list is a pros and cons list along with what I will not allow:

Athletic Supporter with a Cup:
The days of wearing a 'jock strap' with a cup are behind us.  Today, manufacturers make compression shorts that have a pocket to hold a 'cup' to protect the genitals.

Is it necessary to have one?  We aren't playing catcher in baseball short hopping a 90 MPH fast ball.   I never wore one playing football and the way our pants fit, the cup would be up tight against the body and cause a rash which could be a bigger problem if that continues.  I told the players it is a personal preference if they want to wear on or not.

If you want one, I suggest getting the all-in-one soft cup with compression shorts.

Visor for the Helmet:
LT used to wear one when he played for the Chargers and he still does as he plays for the Jets.

Pros: Visors are good in that they protect you from getting poked in the eyes.

Cons:  Once a visor fogs up, you can't see out of the helmet.  When it rains, visibility is blurred because the rain drops stay on the visor.

CIF rules mandate that all visors have to be clear as a precaution to treating a player that might sustain a neck or head injury.

Personally, it is rare that anyone gets poked in the eye, especially in Freshman football. 

Forearm Pads:
Forearm pads protect the forearms from bruising.  They cover the area from the wrist to the elbow.

Pros:  It gives protection to the forearm.

Cons:  The technique we teach our linemen is us their hands, not their forearms.  They need the separate themselves from their opponent by using their hands.  By using the forearm, you get too close and you lose control of your opponent.  Also, as a ball carrier, you have no feel for where the ball is and you could fumble the ball.

Personally, I will not allow players to use them as it teaches the wrong technique at the line of scrimmage.

Football Gloves:
Manufacturers have made football gloves for each position: Line and everybody else. 

Pros:  Gloves for the skilled positions come with a sticky composite material on the palms that lends a more secure catching surface.  For linemen, the come padded and protect the fingers and the bones in the hand.

Cons:  Cost.  Some gloves can get downright expensive.

Personally,  I recommend the glove for all the big boys.  Coach Abate and I have crooked fingers and scarred knuckles playing on the line. 

Gloves MUST be within the color scheme of PHHS Football.  I don't want to see orange and purple gloves.  Also, if a receiver has gloves and drops the ball, he will be asked to remove the gloves

Compression Under Shirts:
Under Armour and Nike make compression shirts that players wear under their shoulder pads. 

Pros: They also make them with added padding in the ribs and shoulders.  The tight fitting shirts also protect from and rashes you might get from the shoulder pads as opposed to a loose fitting shirt.

Cons: The long sleeve version covers the forearm and causes a slippery surface.  That would cause the ball carrier to loose a feel for the ball and fumble.

Personally, if you get a shirt, be sure it is a short sleeve version.  Green, gold or white would be the colors I will allow our players to wear.

Elbow Pads:
Elbow pads help protect the player when they fall to the ground.  Manufacturers make a neoprene version that looks like it has been cut out of a scuba diving suit.

Pros:  It protects the player as a pad.  But more important, it protects from rug burn.  We play and artificial turf and sliding on the plastic grass causes rug burn. 

Cons: The elbow pad causes the ball carrier to lose feel for the ball at the elbow.

Personally, if I was not a ball carrier, I would buy an elbow pad.

Monday, August 15, 2011

2011 Freshman Football Schedule














NOTE: Dates and times are subject to change.

Time Change for the Green and Gold Game

We will be starting the Green and Gold game at 9:00 am instead of 9:30.  Players will need to be at the field at 8:30 am for warm ups and then we will scrimmage.  The scrimmage will last until 10:30.

An earlier start gives the JV and the Varsity a chance to finish before 3:00 pm and begin to enjoy their weekend too.

Also, there were typos on the previous Blog entry.  We scrimmage Mission Bay at 12:00 noon on the 26th. 

Our game at San Ysidro will be on Thursday 9/1 at 4:00 pm.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Upcoming Schedule

I want to pass on info for the next three weeks before the start of school. We will have practice next, Monday 8/15 through Friday 8/19, we will have practice from 5:00 pm to 7:30 pm.

On Saturday 8/19, we will have our annual Green and Gold inter squad scrimmage at 9:30 am. The players have to be on the field at 9:00 am for warm ups and we start playing at 9:30. We will be playing on the baseball field so I suggest parents and family bring beach chairs to the field.

Afterwards, I believe the Booster Club will be hosting a picnic with hotdogs and drinks. I will be there to meet and talk to parents, family and friends, as well as hang out with our players.

Practice will resume Monday 8/22 at 5:00 pm through Thursday 8/26.

We will travel to Mission Bay HS on Friday 8/26 to scrimmage the Bucaneers at 12:00 noon.

We resume practice on Monday 8/29 thru Wednesday 8/31 from 5:00 pm to 7:30 pm. We play our first game of the year against the Cougars of San Ysidro on Thursday 9/1 at 4:00 pm. I will give the team the rest of the Memorial Day weekend off.

School starts on Tuesday 9/6. Practices during the school year will be from the beginning of 6th period PE until 4:30 pm in the afternoon.

I will print schedules out and hand them out to parents at the Green and Gold game.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Mouth Pieces

Today will be the first day in shoulder pads.  Our players all need mouth pieces to participate in practice from this point on.

Our spirit packs will not be here anytime soon so the coaching staff bought mouth pieces for our players.

I will be in the coaches office at 4:00 pm to sell mouth pieces to our players.  I will also have some hot water available for the players to help mold the mouth pieces to their mouth.  It takes 30 seconds to mold the mouth pieces and then the players can attach them to their helmet.

The cost for the mouth pieces will be $1.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Dropping off and picking up your football players

During the Varsity summer workouts, there was a traffic accident in which a parent struck a football player with the family car while dropping off a player back by the coach's office.  The player suffered a broken ankle and the police had to come out to investigate the traffic collision.

In working with the Administration at Patrick Henry, I know a ban of personal vehicles will be coming soon.  Being a parent myself, I want to make it easy for my kids to get to the car after practice.  So I understand parking close to the field.  But the traffic is a bit heavy back by the coach's office before and after practice.

So I am asking my parents to set the example for safety's sake.  I will be asking my parents for the Freshmen Football team NOT to park their cars in the back by the office and to NOT to drop or pick up your son by the coach's office.

I am sure that there will be parents from other teams or sports that will continue to drop and pick up their student athletes back in that area by the coach's office.  I am asking the parents of the Freshmen Football team to set the example. 

I am only asking for the safety of our players and coaches.  I won't go out and write tickets like a cop because I enjoy being off duty.  But I think as a team, we can all benefit by making the school a safer place for everyone.